5 Tips For Your Best Dad Holidays
The Holidays can be tricky times for parents, balancing work, kids being off from school, extended family, and trying to provide the best experience for everyone.
So we put together 5 quick tips for all the dads out there to make this year a great one.
1 – Get out and enjoy the free events
It seems like every year there are more and more free events all over the country. Even if you live in a small town and have to drive a little, most places have something that’s family friendly.
Whether it’s a parade, tree lighting event, Christmas market or even just going downtown to see the decorations, there’s always something to do during the Holiday season. And the best part is, the kids love it and it’s free (well, except for the snacks and anything else the little ones can talk us into.
2 – Decorate
You don’t have to go all Clark Griswald, but even just a few decorations inside, whatever your taste, can bring some joy to the family, and even yourself.
3 – Start a Holiday tradition
If you don’t have one (or 10) already, Holiday traditions give the kids and the whole family something to look forward to and enjoy. Advent calendars have always been popular and ones today can even come with small lego sets for each day leading up to Christmas.
There’s also the infamous Elf on the Shelf. Whether he’s bringing treats or up to something naughty, there’s almost endless ways to entertain the little ones with what has become a Holiday tradition for so many families.
4 – Don’t sweat the small stuff
Every year we hear the same thing, people get stressed out about the Holidays. Whether it be gift buying, traveling, or spending time with extended family, there are a few things that cause some people some anxiety.
Our tip is just chill. Pour a glass of egg nog or whatever your pleasure is to relax, play your role and don’t sweat it. There might be a few instances where things happen that are out of your control, but don’t let it get to you. Maybe even see if you can find some humor in it.
5 – Enjoy The Time With Your Kids
They grow up so fast. And it seems like the older we get, the time time itself is going by faster and faster. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or anything else, these special times are here for us to cherish. There’s few things better than the look on a child’s face when they come out and see the tree (and what’s under it) on Christmas morning.
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